The following warnings occurred:
Warning [2] Undefined variable $smilie_cache - Line: 1029 - File: inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php PHP 8.2.7 (Linux)
File Line Function
/inc/class_error.php 153 errorHandler->error
/inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php 1029 errorHandler->error_callback
/inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php 1170 mycode_inserter_quick
/inc/class_plugins.php 142 codebuttonsquick
/showthread.php 470 pluginSystem->run_hooks
Warning [2] Undefined array key "sourceeditor" - Line: 1135 - File: inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php PHP 8.2.7 (Linux)
File Line Function
/inc/class_error.php 153 errorHandler->error
/inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php 1135 errorHandler->error_callback
/inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php 1170 mycode_inserter_quick
/inc/class_plugins.php 142 codebuttonsquick
/showthread.php 470 pluginSystem->run_hooks
Warning [2] Undefined array key "vbquote" - Line: 1147 - File: inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php PHP 8.2.7 (Linux)
File Line Function
/inc/class_error.php 153 errorHandler->error
/inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php 1147 errorHandler->error_callback
/inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php 1170 mycode_inserter_quick
/inc/class_plugins.php 142 codebuttonsquick
/showthread.php 470 pluginSystem->run_hooks
Warning [2] Undefined array key "showquickreply" - Line: 1175 - File: inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php PHP 8.2.7 (Linux)
File Line Function
/inc/class_error.php 153 errorHandler->error
/inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php 1175 errorHandler->error_callback
/inc/class_plugins.php 142 codebuttonsquick
/showthread.php 470 pluginSystem->run_hooks
Warning [2] Undefined array key "sourceeditor" - Line: 1135 - File: inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php PHP 8.2.7 (Linux)
File Line Function
/inc/class_error.php 153 errorHandler->error
/inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php 1135 errorHandler->error_callback
/inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php 1176 mycode_inserter_quick
/inc/class_plugins.php 142 codebuttonsquick
/showthread.php 470 pluginSystem->run_hooks
Warning [2] Undefined array key "vbquote" - Line: 1147 - File: inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php PHP 8.2.7 (Linux)
File Line Function
/inc/class_error.php 153 errorHandler->error
/inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php 1147 errorHandler->error_callback
/inc/plugins/quickadveditorplus.php 1176 mycode_inserter_quick
/inc/class_plugins.php 142 codebuttonsquick
/showthread.php 470 pluginSystem->run_hooks
Warning [2] Undefined variable $can_link - Line: 6 - File: showthread.php(1617) : eval()'d code PHP 8.2.7 (Linux)
File Line Function
/inc/class_error.php 153 errorHandler->error
/showthread.php(1617) : eval()'d code 6 errorHandler->error_callback
/showthread.php 1617 eval
Warning [2] Undefined property: MyLanguage::$thread_modes - Line: 45 - File: showthread.php(1617) : eval()'d code PHP 8.2.7 (Linux)
File Line Function
/inc/class_error.php 153 errorHandler->error
/showthread.php(1617) : eval()'d code 45 errorHandler->error_callback
/showthread.php 1617 eval
Warning [2] Undefined variable $usersbrowsing - Line: 91 - File: showthread.php(1617) : eval()'d code PHP 8.2.7 (Linux)
File Line Function
/inc/class_error.php 153 errorHandler->error
/showthread.php(1617) : eval()'d code 91 errorHandler->error_callback
/showthread.php 1617 eval

Friendly: FC CT vs Melbourne Victory
Forever Wrote:En kijk ook maar ff naar de geslaagde tekkels. Daarin was Milad the Master.
Gelijk een erg sterk argument voor Henk en Eddy om daar ook eens op te gaan trainen. Want elke mislukte tekkel kan een kans tot gevolg hebben.

Pfff, Klop heeft gewoon een barslechte pot lopen ballen. 2 tekkels waarvan 1 geslaagd is nog niet zo slecht.

Toch blijf ik erbij dat spelinzicht en positiespel icm korte pass of/en afstandsschot voor een middenvelder op den duur belangrijker zijn. Maar goed, Klop is niet te beroerd om op verzoek z'n tekkeling skill naar 2 op te schroeven. De aankomende pak 'm beet 6 dinsdagen zal El Kloppo zich dan ook toe gaan leggen op de oudhollandse tackel.
"Fly like a Butterfly, Sting like a Bee....."

Messages In This Thread
Friendly: FC CT vs Melbourne Victory - by T00L - 21-02-2007, 10:57 AM
[No subject] - by Forever - 21-02-2007, 11:09 AM
[No subject] - by T00L - 21-02-2007, 11:19 AM
[No subject] - by Box Brother - 21-02-2007, 11:48 AM
[No subject] - by Dre - 21-02-2007, 11:58 AM
[No subject] - by T00L - 21-02-2007, 12:12 PM
[No subject] - by Forever - 21-02-2007, 12:32 PM
[No subject] - by Vietjes - 21-02-2007, 03:47 PM
[No subject] - by Mukkus - 21-02-2007, 03:55 PM
[No subject] - by Vietjes - 21-02-2007, 03:57 PM
[No subject] - by Mukkus - 21-02-2007, 04:14 PM
[No subject] - by Nr. 12 - 21-02-2007, 04:38 PM
[No subject] - by Depor - 21-02-2007, 04:59 PM
[No subject] - by Mukkus - 21-02-2007, 05:16 PM
[No subject] - by Mukkus - 21-02-2007, 05:38 PM
[No subject] - by Forever - 21-02-2007, 05:43 PM
[No subject] - by Mukkus - 21-02-2007, 05:50 PM
[No subject] - by Vietjes - 21-02-2007, 05:59 PM
[No subject] - by T00L - 21-02-2007, 06:00 PM
[No subject] - by Forever - 21-02-2007, 06:24 PM
[No subject] - by El Parasito - 22-02-2007, 01:25 AM
[No subject] - by Depor - 22-02-2007, 04:02 AM
[No subject] - by Mukkus - 22-02-2007, 09:38 AM

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