18-10-2006, 09:24 AM
WIe helpt me, kheb niet gekeken...
Casillas, Iker (13.70M)
Hyypiä, Sami (12.70M)
Maicon, Douglas Sisenando (10.45M)
Bosingwa (8.50M)
Tonel (10.05M)
Ilic, Sasa (6.00M)
Bodmer, Mathieu (6.35M)
Nakamura, Shunsuke (8.55M)
Klose, Miroslav (12.55M)
Saha, Louis © (13.70M)
Villa, David (12.80M)
Puntje of 15?
Casillas, Iker (13.70M)
Hyypiä, Sami (12.70M)
Maicon, Douglas Sisenando (10.45M)
Bosingwa (8.50M)
Tonel (10.05M)
Ilic, Sasa (6.00M)
Bodmer, Mathieu (6.35M)
Nakamura, Shunsuke (8.55M)
Klose, Miroslav (12.55M)
Saha, Louis © (13.70M)
Villa, David (12.80M)
Puntje of 15?