Hieronder de chat van de deal aan de FT. Annekechillo = eigelijk ene saïd uit Hengelo. Zijn vriending heet Anneke. Hij kan geen engels maar Anneke wel, dus hij had anneke erbij geroepen om te vertalen alleen dat ging niet echt want hun 4,5 maanden oude baby lag boven te huilen dus ze moest als een gek op een neer lopen (aldus anneke zelf op pokernews)

hotmark777: anne wanna look at numbers?
hotmark777: usource
Dealer: Game #15536555647: tayballer wins pot (464000)
usourcek: ill look...
hotmark777: anne?
Dealer: hotmark777, it's your turn. You have 15 seconds to act
annekechillo: qwhat do jou mean
hotmark777: we can chop
tayballer: just say yes
tayballer: so i can go pee to
Dealer: Regular time for player hotmark777 has expired, TIME BANK has been activated
taybller: lol
hotmark777: just say yes
annekechillo: what do you mean
hotmark777: we can chop tjhe money
hotmark777: just say yes
Dealer: annekechillo, it's your turn. You have 15 seconds to act
hotmark777: and u will see
Dealer: Game #15536558256: usourcek wins pot (384000)
annekechillo: what is chop
StaffBryanS [Host]: Let's not have that, please. No one needs to say yes if they don't wish to, particularly when they don't understand the question being asked.
tayballer: please explain it to her
tayballer: or it
StaffBryanS [Host]: Anne, the other players are asking if you would like to consider a deal to split the remaining money.
Dealer: annekechillo, it's your turn. You have 15 seconds to act
hotmark777: we split money
Dealer: hotmark777, it's your turn. You have 15 seconds to act
annekechillo: if i get the most ho much do i get then
hotmark777: they will calculate
Dealer: Regular time for player hotmark777 has expired, TIME BANK has been activated
Dealer: Game #15536567234: tayballer wins pot (899554)
annkechillo: show me how much
Dealer: hotmark777, it's your turn. You have 15 seconds to act
Dealer: Game #15536576094: usourcek wins pot (464000)
hotmark777: dealer can u show the numbers
StaffBryanS [Host]: Certainly, if all players wish to pause. Anne was slightly unclear. Anne, do you wish to pause to have a look?
Dealer: hotmark777, it's your turn. You have 15 seconds to act
annekechillo: show me
Dealer: Game #15536580624: usourcek wins pot (224000)
Dealer: The break will start when the current hand finishes
Dealer: Game #15536585748: annekechillo wins pot (984000)
Administrator: .The tournament has been paused to allow the remaining players to discuss a deal.
StaffBryanS [Host]: Alrighty, folks... the numbers you asked to see have been prepared.
StaffBryanS [Host]: Two important things to remember:
annekechillo: givi like to deal?
annekechillo: i would like a deal
hotmark777: wow
StaffBryanS [Host]: 1. Dividing the remaining prize pool by chip count calculation is only one way of chopping. No one is compelled to accept any deal. Players can continue to negotiate, reject, etc.
hotmark777: wtf took u so long to get?
tayballer: i know, why is anne an r-tard
StaffBryanS [Host]: 2. You must leave $30,000 in the middle for the eventual tournament winner.
hotmark777: DEEDEEDEE
annekechillo: can we get a deal or not
annekechillo: i dont understand englis that well
StaffBryanS [Host]: With that said, the numbers by chip count calculation are: (please type nothing else for now)
hotmark777: really?
StaffBryanS [Host]: Please type nothing else for the moment.
StaffBryanS [Host]: usourcek: $119,569
StaffBryanS [Host]: annekechillo: $202,181
StaffBryanS [Host]: tayballer: $126,070
StaffBryanS [Host]: hotmark777: $121,175
StaffBryanS [Host]: $30,000 in the middle for the winner.
StaffBryanS [Host]: If you agree to the above numbers, please type "I agree."
hotmark777: agree
usourcek: i wont agree unless i get 125K, no less
annekechillo: i agree
hotmark777: usour dont be greedy over 5k
hotmark777: just accept
tayballer: no shiit
tayballer: thats what i was thinking
usourcek: i wont agree unless i get 125K
StaffBryanS [Host]: Language, please.
tayballer: please dont make this difficult uso
usourcek: srry
hotmark777: i mean tayballer is by far the best player here and he isnt whining
usourcek: im not trying, just 6k more frop the top
tayballer: i am?
tayballer: ha
hotmark777: usour?
usourcek: i said, 125K
usourcek: or else we play
hotmark777: come on i will give u a hug
hotmark777: instead of 5k
hotmark777: its worth the same
hotmark777: just say yes
usourcek: anne, give me 6k more, and its a deal
tayballer: anne?
annekehillo: is there 30k in the middle
hotmark777: yes
tayballer: yes
usourcek: yes, and we play for 30k
tayballer: sound good anne?
annekechillo: why dont whe slipt that also and everyone get wath they want
tayballer: ?
StaffBryanS [Host]: $30,000 of the remaining money cannot be split, Anne. It must go to the tourney winner.
hotmark777: they cant
hotmark777: its a rule
usourcek: not allowed through pokerstars
hotmark777: usource
hotmark777: lets go
usourcek: ?
hotmark777: u will win 30k more
tayballer: anne just sacrifice 6k more to usource
hotmark777: if u win
usourcek: u know my deal hot
tayballer: so we can get this show on the road
usourcek: u give me 6k then
hotmark777: no i wont
usourcek: anne gives me 6k more, so i get 125K, and its a deal
hotmark777: anne give usource 6k
annekechillo: i have more chips then you together and i will agree this but i m not give 12k away
hotmark777: 6
tayballer: you arent, only 6
tayballer: ok?
hotmark777: u can give three and three to us
hotmark777: if u like
hotmark777: because we like u
hotmark777: and i think ur hot
usourcek: anne, give me 6K , NOT 12k
hotmark777: anne?
annekechillo: yes but tayballer also want also 6
hotmark777: no no
tayballer: no i dont
tayballer: ha
hotmark777: we only want 3k
usourcek: no he doesnââ¬â¢t
usourcek: hes fine
tayballer: i mean i do, but im not asking
hotmark777: so 3k for me and tay
hotmark777: 6 for usource
tayballer: im not a stingy bia like usource
hotmark777: ok?
annekechillo: oke i give 6 k
hotmark777: ok
hotmark777: fine
hotmark777: deal
annekechillo: ok
tayballer: ok thank uso for being a punk
usourcek: ill take 6K to me from anne, for a total of 125K and change
tayballer: everyone thank uso
usourcek: tay, lmb
tayballer: beforewe say deal
tayballer: ha... ok deal
StaffBryanS [Host]: One moment, everyone... there are two different deals being proposed here.
hotmark777: no no one
hotmark777: 125k for usourse from anne
hotmark777: that is it
StaffBryanS [Host]: I am seeing two players suggest Anne give up $12,000... and Anne agreeing to give up $6,000.
usourcek: no i think its just 6k to me
usourcek: they are fine
usourcek: and hot, plz at least act like ur 18
hotmark777: i am 16
hotmark777: so that is going to be tough
usourcek: obv
hotmark777: bryan i think we are good
hotmark777: 125 k to usource
hotmark777: from anne
usourcek: bryan we good?
hotmark777: the rest are the same
StaffBryanS [Host]: Okay... one moment, please.
StaffBryanS [Host]: Revised numbers, according to the deal currently being proposed:
StaffBryanS [Host]: usourcek: $125,000
StaffBryanS [Host]: annekechillo: $196,750
StaffBryanS [Host]: tayballer: $126,070
StaffBryanS [Host]: hotmark777: $121,175
StaffBryanS [Host]: $30,000 in the middle for the Champion.
hotmark777: deal
usourcek: agreed
tayballer: deal
annekechillo: deal
StaffBryanS [Host]: If you agree to the numbers shown, please type "I agree."
tayballer: I agree
usourcek: i agree
hotmark777: i agree
annekechillo: i agree
StaffBryanS [Host]: We have a deal.
hotmark777: gg
hotmark777: and gl
tayballer: i also agree that uso is stingy and shouldnt be getting more than hot, but hey not my business
usourcek: gl guys, ty
usourcek: tay, gl ---well done =)
annekechillo: gl
tayballer: you too
tayballer: just giving you a hardtime